Shorter time to market
Directly after the mailing has been designed, production can be started to ensure the mailpiece reaches the end customers’ doorstep without delay.
Improved conversation rates
The envelope is the first mailpiece component that attracts the recipient. Adding personal messaging on the envelope improves the impact of the mailing and contributes to higher response and conversion rates.
Stock reduction
By printing logos, address information and messages on the envelope, there is no further need to hold customer’s envelopes in stock, only blank envelopes.
Uptime maximised
Different jobs can be batched together and produced in succession without stopping the system. This improves the system uptime and throughput.
Optimized envelope logistics
Lower inventory costs can be achieved by reducing the variety of envelopes to blanks, resulting in a reduction of stock holding. Handling and administration in relation to inventory booking and de-stocking is reduced. In addition, the risk and cost of obsolete stock is reduced to zero.
> Technical Specifications